Sunday, March 13, 2011

今天我所听的歌曲 14.3.11

Sunghajung 长大了一点点~~ 酷~男.....没有被迷死就是被电死,没有被电死就是他把我灌醉了 LOVE LOVE LOVE ~~ your fans Melody

想玩这首歌,可是有点难度~如果我的程度有像杰壕那么厉害就好,想玩哪一首就能玩哪一首。。haiz T^T i like this song

Hold my hand , we are friend...share your voice to each other... shoulder & ears are prepared while you were sad... just hold my hand , and you're not alone

YEAH~~ MANGO TONIGHT!!!! NICE dancer >,<

My 1st class piano lesson and this is the 1st song 'Sonatina in G' that teacher wan me to practise

假到要死!!! 我不信咯~白白浪费时间去做这些短片,那些没脑的人,多花些时间制作一些有关大自然的美景啦!他妈的!我真的很不爽不爽不爽!!!做这个短片有什么意义哦?只是让人民为以后的日子更加操心而已,蠢材!!他妈的

美丽的日本,如今你成了什么样的国家...人人看了都会感到很心寒,R.I.P to all those unlucky spirit 阿门...

OH MY GOODNESS??? Justin bieber~~ oh nononono... bruno is better than you.. little copy cat~ but not bad ^.^"

加命菇加命菇加命菇!! 吃钱吃钱~ 下水道下水道...虽然周杰伦很强~但是还是一副拽样chheeh

Accidentally found this song!!! ohh my~~ an active song! yeah~ gonna print it!! woooww

四眼田鸡~ 你把琴键当成玩具来玩啊?? 哎呦~~ 我好想看你的演出 >.< 真的很好听

oh NICE ~~ at >>> 1:29

I'm lucky I'm in love with our best friend~Lucky to have been where I have been~Lucky to be coming home again <3 !!!!♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠♥♠❤♥❤♥❤♥❤♥❤


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